Zine work

Artwork I contributed to collaborative 'zines, 2015-2018.

From Population Rising, an ACNL Villager zine. Ribbot's catchphrase,  correlated with matching outfits for various actions available in the game. Spot all the references!

From Population Rising, an ACNL Villager zine. Jeremiah, the chill bullfrog villager named after the song Joy to the World by Three Dog Night. 

From NMU's SIS Space Zine - Lepus, the constellation (animated.)


My piece for a fan-made Tsuritama charity zine: the main character’s grandmother, Kate, and her lovely seascape gardens.


From NMU's SIS Space Zine - Inspired by the process of growing plants in space using 'pinkhouses,' a concept I plan to explore further one day! (animated.)